Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Softball Recruiting Advice You Need To Know!

Lately I have been getting some great advice that I want to share with you. If you are like me, the recruiting process is confusing. Shout out to Jeff Conrad 
@SoftballConnects and Ashley Muenz for their help. 

This past weekend I bet you watched your favorite teams with star-stuck eyes.   We all have dreams that one day that will be "me" on the field, fighting for the title! Maybe you are good enough to play top tier D1 ball . . . but is it the right thing for you?

All of this advice and heart to heart talks with my coaches made my head spin! We have a lot of really important decisions to make. Below are a bunch of questions that you need to consider when choosing the schools you want to target.

Here are the questions you need to ask yourself. . . Be honest!

Would you be successful at a huge University? (40,000 students)

Would you be more successful at a smaller University?

Do your targeted schools offer the degree/programs you want?

What is more important to you, playing ball or education?

How far/close do you want to be from family?

Can your parents afford extra costs beyond scholarship awards?

Are you good enough to play at the schools you are targeting?

Are you the type of player that is okay not being a starter?

What is the crime rate in the city of the schools you are targeting?

Can you live in extreme heat or extreme cold? consider weather

How does your targeted schools rank in their conference?

Do you want to be on a extremely competitive team? 

Please add any questions or ideas that I missed.

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