Tuesday, December 23, 2014


This is the season for reflection, so I started thinking about this year and all of my blessings. Thank you to everyone in my life, all of you play a special role and for that I'm so grateful. 

Some of you push me to work harder, study longer, guide me to make good decisions, make me laugh, boost my confidence, be more compassionate and forgiving but all of you help me to become a better person!  


  1. Hi there! I found your blog from your article on Stack. I just sat here and read through all the posts you've ever put up and enjoyed them immensely. Are you a junior this year? How is the college hunt going? I'm a sophomore and thinking about playing college softball. I'd love to pick your brain about softball sometime!! :)


  2. Thanks for the email Hailey and I'm happy you like my blog. I'm a junior and the college hunt is a lot of work but obviously I love what I do and the whole process. I believe in myself and know that I will find the school and team that is right for me. Where do you live and what position do you play? I'd be happy to help you!

  3. I live in north GA, what about you? I play center field. My softball story is kind of unique because I only started playing this year, so I'm not sure if playing college softball could be a reality for me or not. I've been practicing every day for months and if I decide to try to play in college I want to go for a D2 school. The only thing is I'm still not sure if I want to try to play in college, but I know I need to decide fast!
